Where does Mastermind fit into all this? Is he going to run into Blockhead anytime soon? Is the Mad Scientist Matermind's old mentor or something??
Where does Mastermind fit into all this? Is he going to run into Blockhead anytime soon? Is the Mad Scientist Matermind's old mentor or something??
If I have a pair of Colt 45's and an uzi, can I shoot the ninja stars out of the air with my revolvers and then hose them down with uzi fire before they can close in? I mean, I know that the more ninjas there are the more likely this is to work (the last guy's always a hard SOB to get, it's natural selection) But I've never tried this against Ninjas before. Hashashaiyn, yes, but not acutal Ninjas.
do those guys have pee for blood?
Have you guys ever heard of Shmorky or the flash tub? for some reason your style really reminds me of his.
Did you ever play Wraith: The Oblivion? Pen and Paper RPG by white wolf, kinda like this..
Like the Joker used to say
"I'll piss off batman, I'll get on the FBI most wanted list, but I do NOT mess with the IRS."
For some reason Your animation reminded me of a High-def but less funny, more serious version of Madness. Probably because of the sideways angle everything's on.
You need to do god hand or deus ex.
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Joined on 11/26/07