Whatever became of him? Did he decide to just up and bolt? I knew he had a medical condition of some kind, but not much beyond that.
Whatever became of him? Did he decide to just up and bolt? I knew he had a medical condition of some kind, but not much beyond that.
Oh don't get me wrong
I actually liked this and the first part too, the wobbling just seems a bit more rythmic or intentional to me.
I am detecting massive quantities of butthurt in this sector. Your superior, 'i'm so great yet i'm upset this guy gets more pageviews than my crappy sprite cartoons' attitude combined with no effort, bad art, and no funny whatsoever.
tell me you have plans to do spoofs for Deus Ex and/or God Hand
Interesting animation Techniques
No audio, Mostly 'shakey' still frames, and some FbF sequences. I'm not that great an animator, so seeing stuff like this get the ratings it did gives me hope that my style and narration can win the day, too.
Listen to these guys every morning
On the way to Paoli station every morning before I have to take the train to Philly. You know NG is located somewhere in Philly too?
Tales of Awesomeness
Now you must do "Awesome Hand", "AwesomeShock", "Deus Awesome", etc etc. (The games i'm referring to are God Hand, BioShock, and Deus Ex. If you have not played these, shame on you.)
Age 41, Male
Psych Student
UPhoenix online
Joined on 11/26/07